Our approach
Our approach is grounded in well-known educational philosophies such as Montessori, Froebel and Reggio Emilia. But more importantly, we draw from the latest early years education research to develop our expertise all the time. By building a positive foundation at a young age, our high-quality education helps your child become a learner for life.
WHY WE DO IT: Research clearly shows that the prime areas of learning (communication and language, physical development and personal, social and emotional development) are particularly crucial in the early years. This is our opportunity to lay the foundations for all later learning.
HOW WE DO IT: We have a flexible curriculum that enables us to meet the child where they are and take them to where we want them to be by the time they transition to school. We focus on a range of important areas, including self-confidence and self-awareness, managing feelings and behaviour, making relationships with others, listening and giving attention, understanding, speaking, moving and handling, and health and self-care.
WHY WE DO IT: Neuroscience research shows that the brain needs to feel safe and secure before it can learn. We also know from attachment theory that children thrive from a base of loving and secure relationships.
HOW WE DO IT: We provide sensitive and skilled care-giving in small groups, with high adult-child ratios. We keep a predictable daily structure, using songs and rhymes to help children with transitions during the day. And we help children follow classroom guidelines using confident limit-setting with empathy.
WHY WE DO IT: Our pedagogy is always informed by evidence. Rather than simply following a single school of thought, we draw on the latest, most secure findings showing what works in early years teaching and learning.
HOW WE DO IT: We hire qualified teachers who are passionate about engaging with early years research. We adopt a balance of teacher-led and child-initiated learning activities, keeping play and rich experiences at the heart of our approach. And we make the most of outdoor learning opportunities, seeing our garden as an extension of the classroom.
WHY WE DO IT: We know young children develop at their own pace and in their own individual ways. Each child joins Two Hands already shaped by a unique, rich context, and we seek to build on this so they can become the best version of themselves when they leave us to start school.
HOW WE DO IT: We have higher adult-child ratios than most settings, so our teachers can give greater individual attention to each child. We build careful observation and time for reflection into the school day, and allow children to progress at their own pace, providing scaffolding until mastery is achieved. Diversity and inclusion are embedded into every aspect of school life.
WHY WE DO IT: There’s a consensus in early years that connecting with nature is important to a child’s development. Yet we also recognise the value of an urban upbringing, and want to make sure our children experience the best of what London has to offer.
HOW WE DO IT: We use our safe multi-seat buggies to take the children out of the preschool almost daily, either to Ravenscourt Park or to explore the local community. We run Forest School activities, led by our trained Forest School teacher, and organise cultural trips, for example to theatres and museums.
WHY WE DO IT: While we have expertise in early years education, each parent and carer is the expert in their own child. Forming a close partnership is in the best interests of the child.
HOW WE DO IT: We take a blended approach to communication with parents, using technology to make things easier, while also providing regular and varied opportunities for you to come into the preschool and meet face-to-face. We make the most of dropoff and pickup times to listen to and share information and insights about your child. We also conduct 6-monthly Spotlight assessments, which involves close observation of a child, discussions with all staff and a meeting with parents, all of which feed into a detailed, personalised report which is sent home.
Our values
Education is our main focus, and children won’t learn unless they love coming to preschool each day. Our approach is grounded in well-known educational philosophies including Montessori, Froebel and Vygotzy. We constantly develop our expertise using the latest research in early years learning, so we can give your child the highest-quality education.
We take great pride in the work we do and consider our foundational role in a child’s journey a deep privilege. We work with – and learn from – our parents and carers, as you are the experts in your own children. By building a positive foundation for learning at a young age, our high-quality education helps your child become a learner for life. We respond positively to challenges, supporting children, parents and teachers as we learn together.
Through our extensive early years education research and hands-on experience, we’ve learned that what works for one child might not work for all. We pay close attention to the details that matter to our children and their families, and we actively encourage feedback. Mindful of all aspects of our practice, we ensure our teachers have dedicated, paid time to reflect each day.
We instil an aptitude for learning and an ability to communicate ideas from a young age. We understand the importance of language development in early years education, and keep this at the heart of our curriculum. Our children learn to give detailed and nuanced answers to questions and develop the vocabulary to describe their emotions, helping us understand their individual needs.
We believe in a fair and honest world. We reserve one in five of our places on bursary to children from low-income families, ensuring that a high-quality preschool experience is accessible to all, while providing enduring benefits for every child. Our staff training has a focus on inclusion and diversity, so all children can develop their sense of self-worth and a deep respect for others. We constantly strive to integrate more environmental sustainability into our leadership, pedagogy and operational practice.